Do you ever feel some type of way and not sure what exactly is going on but you know that this feeling is not a good feeling? me too. Do you ever feel overwhelmed and your mind just crushes suddenly? don’t worry! you’re not alone. We all feel this at some point in our lives, before i was aware of what was going on with me, i would be more affected by the fact that i was feeling things i could not explain. I sometimes start feeling scared or start panicking, or start feeling like the world is going to end instantly, or i start doubting myself and decisions i have to make or for decisions i made, just not being sure!
I wear my anxiety with a smile. I learnt from reading and being active online that this was called “anxiety”. To be honest knowing that they was a name for these feelings and emotions that i was going through made me feel a lot better about myself and brought about my journey to recovery , dealing and handling the anxiety i go through. I enjoy reading and getting self help online. I started being more aware of myself and was able to identify when i feel the anxiety kicking in. Sometimes i workout, walk, shower or even just drink water and just take time out and breath, to clam myself and my spirits down.
I wear my anxiety with a smile, My surrounding may never ever know that i’m dealing with mental health issues, I’m happy most days, i’ve got it under control, and some days not so much. I believe talking and sharing about my anxiety helps me heal and it might help the next person whose also dealing with anxiety and not sure what it is that they’re going through